Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Learning New Things

I have always loved back to school time.  So much potential in the air.  New classes, new friends, new things to get excited about.  

This year, only my baby was going back to school, and she's a senior in college, so my help in getting school supplies was hardly needed. No wandering around Staples, fingering the Sharpie's and perusing the notebook section for the college lined notebooks.  No searching for new outfits for the first day, or getting haircuts the weekend before.  It was kind of a let down.  

But, even though I'm technically not going back to a brick and mortar school, I decided I could take an online class or two and maybe get back some of that excitement of learning something new.  

So I'm using Mango Languages to learn Croatian.  Is it practical?  Maybe not.  Maybe I will never get to Croatia to ask someone - kako ide?  But it's making me feel that old back to school excitement.  Now where to get that back to school smell of freshly sharpened pencils and glue?